Reviews are a great way to ensure users quality of product or services. Share your TrustPilot reviews directly in-app with Candu.
Embed TrustPilot into an iFrame
To Show Reviews:
Right click on your company review page, and select View Source.
2. Search the page for the keyword "meta property," or scroll through the code until you see this tag. Your link will have a unique ID code for your business, e.g., meta property="og:image" content=""
3. Copy the URL, paste it into your iFrame, and click Add.
To Request Reviews:
Log in to your Trustpilot account.
Choose Get Reviews from the panel on the left.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the Try a different way to get reviews link.
Scroll down on the pop-up and select Basic Link.
Copy the URL and paste it into your iFrame. You will need to add /embed/ after evaluate, and before your company name, per the example below:
You can edit the size of your iframe box to crop or arrange what appears. The content will appear like this: