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Tracking Checklist Progress

Use our out-of-the-box checklist analytics to get a sense of how users' are interacting with your interactive content.

Flora Sanders avatar
Written by Flora Sanders
Updated over 3 years ago

You can track the success of any Candu checklist by going to the selected content and navigating to the Analytics tab > Checklist Progress.

You can track the success of any Candu checklist by going to the selected content and navigating to the Analytics tab > Checklist Progress.

This will help you track how users are working through your checklist. If you've added interactive elements like buttons to your checklist, you will still track those interactions in the General Analytics tab.

Total Starts

This is the same number as unique visitors in General Analytics. This counts the distinct number of users from the selected Segment that have visited your content during the selected time period.

Total starts counts the distinct number of users from the selected Segment that have visited your content during the selected time period.

Total Completions

The total number of users that have checked off every step of the checklist. Please note that steps in Candu's checklists are not locked, so it is possible that this number will not be the same as the number of users that have completed the last step of your checklist.

Total Completions  The total number of users that have checked off every step of the checklist.

Completion rate

The percentage of users that have completed the checklist compared to the number that have seen it. This is calculated by taking the Total Completions number divided by the Total Starts.

Completion rate  The percentage of users that have completed the checklist compared to the number that have seen it.

Average sessions per user

The average number of times a user has seen this content. This will give you a better sense of how quickly users are working through the checklist. This is calculated by taking the total number of sessions divided by the unique sessions.

Average sessions per user  The average number of times a user has seen this content.

Checklist item completion

This will track how many users have checked off each of the steps in your checklist. This does not track if they have opened the steps or interacted with content within the steps, it simply tracks the steps that users have actually checked off.

Checklist item completion   This will track how many users have checked off each of the steps in your checklist.
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