Overview: What are Conditional Blocks?
Conditionals are a powerful new component that allows you to dynamically show or hide content based on user properties or events directly within a piece of content. Instead of creating multiple Segments or Embeds, you can use conditional logic to personalize content for different user groups.
Key Benefits of Conditionals
Simplify content management by handling segmentation logic within a single piece of Candu content.
Reduce the need for creating multiple segments for content variations
Create more personalized user experiences based on properties like industry, plan type, or usage patterns
How Conditionals Work
Content will only be shown to users who meet the specified condition
Conditions are evaluated in order from top to bottom
Use the Layers panel to view and manage conditional blocks
Setting Up Conditionals
Step 1: Add a Conditional Block
Open the palette and find the conditional block
Select 'Conditional Block' or drag and drop it into your Document
Once selected, you can either drag content into the view or begin to add conditional logic.
Step 2: Using Conditions
You can either create a new condition or use an existing one:
Create New Condition
Click the "Add conditional logic" link in the Document or the "Open conditional logic in the toolbox."
Next, click "Create New Condition."
Enter a name for your conditional logic View.
Choose a property, event, or segment to base your condition (e.g., email, industry, plan type). You can use any logical operator to build a Segment (e.g., "is one of").
Enter the value(s) to match against
Click "Add Condition" to include additional conditions if needed
Use an Existing Condition
Once you've created a conditional view, you can duplicate or edit that view.
Select the "Use existing" tab
Choose from the list of previously created conditions
You can view and select multiple conditions if needed
Step 3: Working with Conditional Content
Navigating Conditional Blocks
The Conditional Block structure consists of:
Parent: The main Conditional Block container
Children: Individual Conditional Views within the block
To navigate between these:
Use the Up/Down arrow keys to move between the parent Conditional Block and its child Views
Use the Layers panel to see the full hierarchy and quickly switch between views
Reference the breadcrumbs at the bottom of the Editor for your current location
Managing Conditional Content
Add any type of content to conditional views (text, images, buttons, etc.)
Use the options menu to edit, duplicate, move, or delete conditions
Reorder conditions using "Move up" and "Move down" options
Higher conditions are evaluated first
Users see content from the first condition they qualify for
Conditional Block FAQs
Can I nest conditional blocks within other conditionals?
Yes, you can nest conditional blocks within other conditional blocks. This allows you to create more complex personalization.
How can I preview what different users will see?
The "View as user" feature in the share link lets you preview how your content will appear to different users based on their properties and conditions.
Can I use Segments with Conditional Blocks?
You can use Segments as conditions using the "Segments: users are in" option when setting up your conditions.
Can I track analytics for conditional content views?
Detailed analytics for conditional content views are not currently available. While you cannot track when specific users view different conditional content variations, this feature is planned for future updates.
Need Help?
Please get in touch with our support team if you have questions about implementing conditionals or need assistance with specific use cases.