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Segmentation Overview

Create different groups of users and show them different content based on their needs.

Flora Sanders avatar
Written by Flora Sanders
Updated over a week ago

What are Segments?

At Candu, we believe that one size does not fit all. You don't have to create generic content that doesn't quite serve every user, and users shouldn’t have to sift through content to find the bits that matter to them. With Candu, you can create user segments and deliver different content to each user based on their needs.

Candu has two primary elements:

  • Content (what: the content you create)

  • Segments (who: the users that you want to view that content)

Conceptually, this is how Content serves multiple user segments

Segmentation allows you to create groups of users and tailor the content they see

Segments are defined by using logical conditions and users are grouped into Segments based on identifiable attributes and data collected from event tracking.

For example, you can create a Segment for users who have never visited your application before, another for users who have visited once in the past 30 days, and another for frequent visitors. You can then deliver targeted content to each of these groups.

By using Segments, you have the power to moderate which Content will be shown to different groups of users, so the most relevant content can be shown to the correct audience.

Segmentation Use Cases

You do not need to create Segments; you can simply provide the same content to all users. By default, Candu will provide you with one user Segment, the Everyone Segment, which includes all users.

However, many common use cases involve creating multiple Segments to better define who should see what content.

Here are a few examples of Segments you can build:

  • Plan type: If you have a product that has different plan types e.g. Pro vs. Enterprise, there may be different features available to different customers. Tailor their in-app experience to match the product they have purchased from you.

  • Role type: Users may have varying levels of access to your product so may need different kinds of information to be successful. For example admins may need a deeper dive than standard end-users who don't need to know about configuration & settings.

  • User Journey Stage: When users are being onboarded to your platform they need very different content compared to that of a fully fledged activated superuser. Take into account where a user is at and display the most relevant content to make them successful.

  • Strategic Accounts: You can get granular with segmentation and even build custom dashboards/content for specific customers. Give your top 5% VIP users a bespoke in-app experience that is completely tailored to their unique needs.

Want to get started with your own Segments?

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