Tracking Custom Events

Track custom events to centralize your data and report on how your content is being interacted with.

Lauren Cumming avatar
Written by Lauren Cumming
Updated over a week ago


The Candu SDK gives you the ability to track your own custom events to signal significant events related to your product domain.

To get started with eventing, please refer to our developer documentation.

Third-party Integrations

Segment Status Integration

This integration sends user data (like content views, button or link clicks and checklist completions), from Candu to, where it can be tied to other data sources that you use to help you understand your content's impact on user behavior within your product.

To install the Segment Integration, please refer to the Candu Source documentation.

What to track

Candu uses the same event and tracking concepts as Segment; see links for further details:

ℹ️ Please note that Candu can only use events sent on a go-forward basis from the date of install. To use events that occurred before installation, please send them as traits using the identify call.

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