Installing Candu on ZenDesk
The first step to installing Candu on ZenDesk is to place the Candu Script into the head of your site. To do this, copy your code stored in Settings > Installation from your Candu Dashboard as seen below:
From the ZenDesk Guide Dashboard, select the Customize Design Icon from the left panel.
Find the current theme and select Customize.
From here select the Edit Code button on the bottom right.
You will need to place this code in two places: header.hbs and dashboard_head.hbs.
Be sure to publish your changes for each page!
Whitelisting Your Page
Before any content can be added or published, you must whitelist your page within Candu.
Go to Settings > Workspaces
Add your domain to the list under "Whitelisted Domains"
Please note that you can use wildcards here as needed. Add a * before or after the URL to add a wildcard
If you encounter CORS errors when publishing content, it likely has to do with whitelisting. To check, try whitelisting just the wildcard and clear the cache.
For more troubleshooting tips, check out our Installation Troubleshooting Guide.