Creating Candu Forms

Use Candu Forms to capture information from your users in-app.

Flora Sanders avatar
Written by Flora Sanders
Updated over a week ago

We created Candu Forms to enable you to easily capture data about your users or get qualitative feedback from your users in your existing product, without having to use another third party tool.

  • Quickly create sign-up flows or onboarding surveys to learn about your users and use captured data to personalize the rest of their journey with your product βœ…

  • Gather product sentiment and run surveys in-app, such as requesting user research sign-ups, feedback on new features and measuring progress as you iterate on your product βœ…

The data captured can then be used to create Segments to personalize other Candu content and your responses can be pushed outside of Candu to other tools πŸš€

GIF showing a feedback banner with a form nested in a modal

Learn more about using Forms:

Styleguide for Candu Forms

To ensure any Candu created Forms match your design system, there is a Forms section in the Styleguide where you can customize and set the following for all Labels, Fields and Field Errors:

  • Font: type, weight, size and color

  • For each Field Type: font, weight, size, color, border, radius, and more

  • On Hover/On Focus/On Select: background, border and checkbox colors

  • Field Errors: font, weight, size and color

  • Spacing: margin and padding for labels, fields, checkboxes/buttons and cards

GIF showing the forms section of the styleguide

You can also create multiple Form styles as you need!

Building Candu Forms

It is super simple to create your own Forms! Head to the Palette > Components > Forms, and you can then start from scratch using our 'Empty form' and filling it with your chosen 'Form inputs' or you can start with one of our pre-built forms or templates and customize it by editing or adding input fields.

GIF showing the pre-built forms and form input in the palette

To customize a Form, you can drag and drop the form inputs into the Form component & order them how you want - it really is that simple ✨

GIF showing how to build a form using a pre-existing form and adding an input field

You can choose to from the following Form Inputs:

  • Text Input

    • This is a great option to gather a small amount of user information, e.g. 'What is your name?'.

  • Text Area

    • To be used when you want more in-depth information, e.g. 'Please provide any additional feedback or comments'.

  • Select Input

    • Ideal for when you want to provide a complete list of responses for a user to choose from, e.g. 'What is your job role?' > this is a great option to gather data to pass to Segments.

  • Email Input

    • Self-explanatory, use this to gather a user's email address > this is a great option to gather data to pass to Segments, e.g. target domains.

  • Checkboxes

    • Great for when you want to provide options for a user to select one or more answers, e.g. 'What are you planning to use this app for?' > this is a great option to gather data to pass to Segments.

  • Single Select Cards

    • This is a common UX to make things a bit more visually appealing. Consider adding images to your cards to make them more on-brand!

  • Multi Select Cards

    • This is a great option when you want to users to choose multiple options and want it to be more visual than a checkbox!

Here is what the form we created above looks like for your end users (we recommend adding to an Overlay or Flow!):

GIF showing a user filling in a Candu Form

Input Settings

Once you've added all of your form inputs, you can amend the following general settings in the Toolbox:

  • Labels and placeholders

  • Make the label visible/invisible

  • Mark as required or not

Then each form inputs has the following unique settings:

  • Email Input

    • Choose to validate email or not

  • Select Input

    • Add options ('Text' and 'Value') for drop down

  • Single-Select Cards Label/Multi-Select Cards Label

    • Amend the number of cards and columns

  • Checkboxes

    • Add options ('Text' and 'Value') for checklists

    • Add columns

GIF showing Form Input Settings.

Form Settings

Once you've chosen a form from our pre-existing selection or built your own using our Form Inputs, you can manage the settings in the Component tab. Here you can:

  • Name your form

  • Decide whether you want your users to be redirected to a certain page/URL on submission

  • Choose whether to prevent resubmission based on User ID (this means users will only be able to complete the Form once and it will no longer appear for them after they have completed it)

  • Edit the text and styles in each of the three form states Normal, Submitted and Error

GIF showing the form settings on the Candu editor

Form Responses

After publishing your form and embedding it in your product, you can sit back and wait for the responses to flood in β˜•οΈ

You can keep tabs on your responses from the 'Form responses' section of Candu. You can view the responses either by user or by field type and also export them as a CSV file.

GIF showing the form responses section of Candu

Forms and Segmentation

Forms aren't just powerful for capturing data initially, you can also you this data to personalize your user experiences based on the information they have given you!

For example, if you use Candu Forms in your Sign-Up flow and ask users what industry they are in, you could then use this answer to create different Segments in Candu and show them a different Onboarding Checklist depending on which industry they are in.

Under Forms responses > Integrations you can see the list of applicable Form inputs that will pass through to Segments and appear under 'User Properties'. Please note this is enabled by default!

ℹ️ You can simply disable this sync if you do not want to use any Form data for personalization efforts.

Image showing how to push form responses to Segments.

All options will appear with the Label + Form Input type for you to choose from:

Image showing the form responses as User Properties in Segment.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out! We'd also love to see any of your finished designs and use cases ✨

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