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Pendo Integration

Allow users to launch Pendo guides to improve completion rates and provide an interactive, user first experience.

Flora Sanders avatar
Written by Flora Sanders
Updated over 8 months ago

Launching Pendo Guides from Candu Content

You can use Candu content to launch Pendo guides so that you can link users directly to guides at a time that suits them. We have written a blog on how and why to connect Pendo with Candu.

There are two ways in which you can trigger Pendo Guides from Candu content:

  • Via our Open URL CTA action using Permalinks (requires a page refresh).

  • Via our Pendo integration using the Launch Pendo Guide CTA action (no page refresh required).

Using the Permalinks option:

  1. Create your Candu content that you want to trigger your Pendo Guide, this will need to be a Button, Card or Image.

  2. Select the Button, Card or Image and open the Interactions tab in the right-hand toolbox (depicted by the lightning icon).

  3. Select the Open URL option, choose whether or not you want it to open in a new tab, and amend the Interaction Label (optional).

  4. Paste the Pendo Guide permalink in the URL box. You can include the base URL or, if you use relative links, just paste the permalink. For more information on retrieving a permalink URL for a Pendo Guide, see their help desk article: Guide Permalinks. Note: The Pendo Guide must be set to "Public" to display correctly.

  5. Test your integration by segmenting the Candu content to a test Segment targeting you, publish it and test it out in the wild. Once happy, retarget it to your intended Segment and you're done 🚀

GIF showing the Permalink option

Using the Launch Pendo Guide option:

  1. Create your Candu content that you want to trigger your Pendo Guide, this will need to be a Button, Card or Image.

  2. Select the Button, Card or Image and open the Interactions tab in the right-hand toolbox (depicted by the lightning icon).

  3. Select the Launch Pendo Guide option and add the Guide ID (which you can find in URL of your guide in Pendo - check out the Pendo guide here for more info > specifically the 'Launch the Resource Center from within a guide' section).Option here to amend the Interaction Label ✨

    Screenshot showing the Launch Pendo Guide action on a Candu CTA

  4. Test your integration by segmenting the Candu content to a test Segment targeting you, publish it and test it out in the wild. Once happy, retarget it to your intended Segment and you're done 🚀

GIF showing a Pendo Guide launched from Candu CTA click

Troubleshooting Pendo Guides:

  • Double-check that you have retrieved the correct permalink. It should start with ?pendo=[unique_url]

  • Confirm that the user name you are testing with is in the correct Pendo segment. Pendo has a great troubleshooting module about which Guides are active for users. Why is my Guide not showing?

  • Make sure that the Guide is set to launch correctly. If you are launching a Pendo Guide from a button, we recommend selecting “No Activation Method” so that it only pops up when the user clicks the button. Otherwise, they may be exposed to it earlier in the process and it might not launch correctly from the button itself. More on activation methods.

As with all buttons in Candu, you can configure event tracking. This allows you to identify all users who have clicked the button and launched the Guide. For more information about event tracking, see Analytics.

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