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Launching Candu Content

Make your content live to your users with just a few clicks using the Candu Chrome Extension or Placements section in the Editor.

Flora Sanders avatar
Written by Flora Sanders
Updated this week

It's time to launch your content. If you have:

  • Created your first piece of content

  • Used the Chrome Extension to preview your content

  • Installed Candu within your application

You are now ready to place and publish content within your product or website so your users can start interacting and engaging with it. πŸš€

In this guide, we will be covering:

Overview of how to publish Candu content (Video)

Watch this 6-minute overview of publishing your Candu experiences

Publish Content via the Chrome Extension

Launch the extension and open up the 'My Content' section. You can switch between workspaces if you have more than one, and see a list of all of your content.

Screenshot showing opening All Content in the Extension

Select the content you want to launch and then click 'Add Placement'. You can now hover over the page to find the div/selector where you want to place your content.

You can also hover over the divs/selectors in the Extension window to find the right spot and try previewing your content in different areas of the page.

Screenshot showing using the extension to choose a div

Click to select your placement and preview your content. If you are happy with it, click on the target icon to confirm your placement.

Screenshot showing the target icon, which you need to click to confirm your chosen div

You can then choose the Content Position and whether you want the content to:

  • be placed Above existing content on the page

  • be placed Below existing content on the page

  • actually Replace what is already in the div/selector

Finally, you can select the pages where content is displayed:

  • On all pages (this will be limited to pages where the div/selector exists)

  • On a specific page/s (helpful if you have repetitive divs across multiple pages)

    • If you choose this option you will be able to set URL rules

      • URL contains

      • URL does not contain

      • URL starts with

      • URL ends with

      • URL exactly matches

      • Wildcard

Once you've added your placement settings, you can choose to place your content, cancel to exit the publishing journey, or edit the content:

Screenshot showing placement is saved and telling you to go back to the editor to publish

After hitting 'Place Content', you can either hit 'Go to Editor to Publish' or 'Remove Placement':

Screenshot showing that the placement has been saved, and redirecting you back to the editor to publish

If you hit 'Go to Editor to Publish', you'll be directed to the Editor where you'll be asked to select the segments you want to publish, and then voila - you're content is live πŸ™Œ

GIF showing going back to the editor to select segments and publish content

ℹ️ Candu must be installed and your domain whitelisted to be able to embed content successfully. If there are any issues, the Chrome Extension will notify you under 'Page Status'.

ℹ️ If you have dynamic or relative URLs, you can use the above URL rule-matching feature to load your Candu content dynamically. More information here.

Publish Content via the Editor

In the Candu editor, you have the option to 'Publish' your content, which can mean two things:

  • Publishing content without a Placement: if you are publishing overlay content to be triggered on click of a Candu CTA or content to be switched out via change content, you won't need a placement to publish it.

  • Publishing content with a Placement: clicking on the Publish button will take you through the journey of adding a placement and hitting publish - this will set your content live for your target audience to see!

Let's get started πŸš€

  • Now that you've finalized your content, you can publish it using the button in the upper right-hand corner of the Editor. Clicking the publish button will trigger an overlay...

    • You can hit 'Preview' to see what your content will look like in your product!

    • You'll also see all of your connected Segments, and you can publish to all of your connected Segments simultaneously by clicking 'Publish to X Segment', or you can select Segments individually if you're not ready to publish content to all of them.

GIF showing hitting the Publish button and selecting your segments
  • After selecting your segment/s, you'll be asked to download the Candu Chrome Extension (if you haven't already), as this makes the publishing/placing journey super quick and easy πŸš€

    Screenshot showing step 2 - download the Candu Chrome Extension

  • If you can't use the Candu Chrome Extension, click on the left CTA and it'll direct you to the Placement & Embeds tab to manually add your placements. Then you can hit publish to set your content live:

GIF showing option to not use the extension and add placement in the editor
  • If you can use the extension, you'll be asked to add the URL where you want to place the content > this will launch the URL & automatically open the extension:

    Screenshot showing step 3 - add URL for the page you want to place your content

    • If you can't use the extension, click the hyperlinked 'here' to add your placement in the Placements & Embeds tab.

    • If you need to Publish without a placement for Trigger Overlay or Change content, click on the hyperlink to skip straight to publishing your content > this will allow your content to appear in your Interactions dropdown!

      Screenshot showing adding published content with no placement to a change content interaction

  • Once the URL launches and the extension opens, you can select and confirm the div you want to target. You can then choose the content position, add any URL rules, and finally click 'Publish' πŸš€

    You'll get the message that your content is live and to 'close and go back to the content', where the overlay will confirm that your content is now live and published!

GIF showing Publishing content and returning to the editor for confirmation

Note: please allow up to five minutes for your newly published content to become available to users.

Display Settings for Overlays, Tours and Hotspots

If you can use the Candu Chrome Extension, you can either hit 'Publish' in the editor to begin the journey or open the extension > All content > select your chosen overlay, and choose:

  • When it will be triggered - on page load is the only option right now

  • How long it will be displayed for - only once (until dismissed) or on every page load

  • Pages where the Overlay will be displayed - this has the same URL rules as in-line content

    • On all pages (this will be limited to pages where the div/selector exists)

    • On a specific page (helpful if you have repetitive divs across multiple pages)

    • On multiple pages - if you choose this option you will be able to set URL rules

      • URL contains

      • URL does not contain

      • URL starts with

      • URL ends with

      • URL exactly matches

      • Wildcard

Hit 'Publish' and your overlay is now live!

If you cannot use the Candu Chrome Extension, you can add your placement in the Embeds & Placements tab in the Editor and hit publish to launch your overlay πŸš€

You can also trigger any Overlay programmatically from Javascript - check out our developer docs ➑️

Updating live content

If you want to make changes to your content, all you need to head to the editor > make your changes and hit 'Update' > select and confirm the segment and hit 'Update for x Segment'.

Those changes will then be live for that segment to see πŸš€

GIF showing making a change to content and updating those changes/making them live

In the Editor next to each segment, you'll see a colored dot to signify the status of that segment, which will be either:

  • Grey: the content has never been published

  • Orange: the content has been updated since it was last published, but the updates are not live yet

  • Green: the current content is published and there are no pending changes/updates

Screenshot showing the Segment publish statuses in the Editor

Updating and removing placements

To make changes to your placements or to remove them, you have two options:

Via the Chrome Extension

You can also update placements via the extension, just open the extension > click on 'Live Content' > select your content > make your changes > hit 'Update Placement':

GIF showing how to update a placement via the extension

If you launch the extension on the page where content is embedded you can click on 'Live Content', select the applicable piece of content and hit 'Remove Placement'. This will remove the content from your application and stop users from being able to view it.

Screenshot showing how to remove a live placement

From the Editor

If you go to the Placements & Embeds tab of the content you have embedded, you can...

  • Update your placement by clicking on the pencil icon, making your changes, and clicking save:

GIF showing how to update a placement via the editor
  • Remove the placement by clicking the rubbish bin icon like below:

Screenshot showing how to remove a live placement via the editor
  • And then confirm that you want to remove the content:

Screenshot showing the confirmation modal when you go to remove a placement

Note: your content will still be published, so if you add a new placement, it will appear wherever you've embedded it!

Unpublishing Content

From the editor, you can click on the dropdown next to the 'Published' button and select 'Unpublish'.

You'll then need to confirm that you would like to unpublish your content and the 'Published' button will update to the turquoise 'Publish' button to show that the content is no longer published:

GIF showing how to remove a placement

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